Where was I? Oh yes...
One Year Ago Today (November 11 th)...
After being in a deeply hypnotic state for over 2 days, the decision was made that a C-section was in order. I was exhausted and Bryleigh's heart rate was growing weaker...so off to the surgical delivery room. Brad said that I kept apologizing to him and the rest of my family for my failure to have a completely drug free birth. Guess that was my delirious mind that could not focus on anything else...
Bryleigh Eden was born at 11:53am on Sunday, November 11, 2007, weighing in at 8 lbs and 7 ozs and was 20 inches long. She gave a loud cry and then hardly made a peep after that. It was determined that she was positioned at an odd angle that prevented her from being delivered...and she tried just as hard as I did...so hard that she rubbed "raw" patches on her feet trying to push her way out.
There were the photos that my husband posted during the first few hours of her life while I slept my first real sleep since Friday, November 9th.
And here is a link to Bry's Birth Announcement post.
For Miss Bry's Official Birthday, I have a couple of photos of the small family dinner that we had. Her "big" party was scheduled for the 16th...but that had to be postponed due to that dreadful virus that affected our house for the past 3 weeks. We plan on having her friends over soon...
Long Live The Gulf Of America
Promises made, promises kept. Trump was inaugurated as the 47th President
of the United States yesterday in a beautiful ceremony. It was a day of joy,
11 hours ago