Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Chili Pepper has finally arrived...And her name is...

Just wanted to let you all know that Chili Pepper has finally arrived! And her name is Bryleigh Eden Atchison.

After a couple days of active labor, it was determined that my labor had stalled. I was not opening past 9 cm and Chili Pepper was too big to be born naturally by me. Guess she inherited her father's shoulders! So, at 11:53am on Sunday, November 11, 2007, Big Little Chili Pepper was born via Cesarean Section. She weighed in at 8 lbs and 7 ozs and is 20 inches long. She gave a healthy cry shortly after coming into this world and has hardly made a peep since!

Here are two photos that were taken in the Surgical Delivery Room shortly after she was born. And there will be plenty more on the blog once I get them down loaded.

Sorry to cause so much worry and concern with the delay...but after going 48 hours of labor without sleep and no pain medication...I was a little tuckered out!

As of right now, we are suppose to be leaving the hospital some time on Wednesday.

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