Your daughter can breastfeed her baby "just like mommy does"!
Don't get me wrong. I am pro-breastfeeding...but honestly I do not want to buy a doll that makes sucking sounds when my daughter puts it to her chest...after she has put on the special halter top with the strategically placed daises that she can lift up and acts just like the nursing bra that mommy wears.
Is this beyond creepy or what?
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13 hours ago
I too am pro breast feeding. But the idea of little girls prancing around with dolls attached to their chests bothers me. A lot. Very freaky! Nope, it's not just you!
I'm with you on this. Creepy! I can't see one redeeming quality in this toy!!
I'm not sure how I feel about this. I mean, both my girls "pretended" to breastfeed their babies, but I think this might take it one step too far.
Honestly, I don't like toys that make noise. I usually turn off the sound or take out the batteries to encourage my kids to use their own imagination to create their own sound effects. I don't recall my girls making "sucking sounds" when they "nursed" their baby dolls.
NO WAY!!! If you're "weirded out," then I'm "grossed out"! And yes, I DID breast feed my one and only!
when i had my second, my oldest, a girl, pretended to breastfeed he dolls. but only for a couple of weeks. this doll totally creeps me out and i think it is highly inappropriate.
They goodness gracious....
Uber weirded out by this doll -- like ranks right up there with Chucky!
Uhhhh TOTALLY CREEPY!!! Not cool in my books, not cool!
It IS weird. My daughter pretended to breastfeed for a bit after seeing my feed her brother - she and the neighbor even rode down the street in his motorized Humvee with the "baby" (a stuffed dog) and her diaper bag in the back. Then she made him pull over so she could nurse. And he was cool with that, because his litter sister was the same age as our little brother.
But the sucking doll goes TOO far!
say what? That's is creepy!
I'm all for breastfeeding, but I definitely agree with you...these things are just a little too bizarre and take it a little too far.
I freaked out by that! There is no logical reason this needs to be on the market. Kids need to use their imaginations, and this just goes too far!
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