(1) She is now waking up on her own and getting dressed without my help. I'm proud of her, but a part of me is also crying inside. She doesn't need me as much anymore...
(2) In front of the Special Assembly at her school today, she told everyone that she was going to be a ROCK STAR when she grows up.
Irish Bread Pudding
Here’s an easy recipe for a delicious and decadent Irish Bread Pudding
served with Caramel Whiskey Sauce. This is a…
The post Irish Bread Pudding appeare...
Megyn Kelly Is ON FIRE With This
Megyn Kelly breaks down the latest White House press room policy like no
one else can. Watch her take on it here! ⬇️
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
We jokingly call these meaty, greeny, cheesy, beany, spicy baked chickpeas
because, well, internet recipe naming conventions make us laugh but I
really t...
12 to 14 Years Old!
We're all still alive! I felt compelled to post an update after all but
abandoning my little blog, a lot has happened in 3 years. Since 11 we
turned 12, ...
Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
Do you want to make Valentine Sugar Cookies FAST? We’re here to help…
Follow our easy Valentines Day sugar cookies recipe and use our quick tips
for succ...
Valentine Pajamas for My Girl
Since February is my second favorite month, I lean entirely into everything
pink and anything with a heart. I am a simple girlie in February—all pink,
Happy Lunar New Year 4723!
It's unlikely anyone reads this anymore with Instagram and tik-tok or
But I was thinking about how I missed these simpler blog days when any k...
Hello? Are You Still Here?
I'm checking in to see anyone is still reading posts at Six Golden Coins.
If you are, will you leave a comment, send me an email or a text or a smoke
Noah is 18
Dear Noah, I can't believe I'm writing this... but happy 18th birthday. You
know I've cried over this many times already, ;) buy ultimately I am so
very h...
Mengenal APK Omnipage Standard Beserta Fungsinya
sketer hitam – Dalam era digital seperti saat ini, kebutuhan untuk
mengonversi dokumen fisik menjadi...
The post Mengenal APK Omnipage Standard Beserta F...
Collaboration request
Hi there
How would you like to earn a 35% commission for each sale for life by
selling SEO services
Every website owner requires the use of search engin...
Las Vegas to Moab
We got off the plane in Las Vegas and were startled by the all the slot
machines at the airside! I know what Las Vegas represents, but we were
just flying...
Homecoming 1990
Warning: Flashback post.
A few nights ago, I was upstairs in the attic with a glass of wine going
through all my old high school stuff. I kept everyth...
Time to Go
Greetings, readers. This is a repeat of my new main page, but for those
following the blog, I wanted to make sure you saw it. I have some sad news.
This wi...
Always Eat After 7: Science
This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The
opinions expressed below are my own.
Oh science! I am such a nerd when it comes to...
Definition of Family Institutions
*Definition of Family Institutions*
Family Institutions
See the Core List:
The family institution is the smallest social unit in a society consisting
of fat...
My Amazing Mum
Fourteen years ago my mom was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. She wasn't
expected to make it more than a few months. I remember praying to God we'd
have m...
SEC lifts ban on in-stadium alcohol sales
Could you be able to buy a beer in The Swamp this fall?
The SEC has revised its policies on the availability of alcohol at
athletics events to grant sch...
Portal Vein Stenosis: aka The Stent Clot of 2019
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 31 years, it’s that we are not
given tomorrow. I know we hear that and think it doesn’t apply to us. We
close our e...
Well Hello to You All!! :)
Well, hello to everyone! :) The other day, Daniel suggested me writing an
update here. Even if there was nobody to read it, our blog as been the
most co...
annie kate
[sponsored post] I finally got Annie’s birth announcements ordered and
almost all mailed out. Everything seems to take a little longer with the
fifth child...
Game On: New Twists on Old Favorites
Many people spend a lot more time indoors, when winter hits; or there is
just a string of bad weather days. For times like those, it's a good idea
to hav...
Goodby 2017, Hello 2018!
Ready to ring in a New Year full of abundance? First, we've got to get rid
of the things that held us back in 2017.
Join me on my Facebook page at Carol Ye...
Wow, it has been almost a year since my last post! I am not sure if I will
go back to posting daily but I have been wanting to get back into blogging
Get 'er Done!
We all have those tasks that we keep putting off. The mountain of paperwork
and miscellaneous mail that keeps stacking up. Perhaps it's the guest room
Stuffed Shrooms with Chicken Sausage
Delicious! Made these for Christmas Eve 2016 and we all agreed. I loved
using the chicken sausage instead of regular pork sausage, especially when
there ...
How Long Does It Take To Make a Tech Break STICK?
*It takes 3 days. Just 3 days.*
*Day 1, They're still asking, begging for TV and electronics.*
*Day 2, Negotiation, lawyering, asking for screen time.*
Donald, You're Tired ... Time to Move On
Silly pictures with taco salads and narrow-minded comments? Hey, it's not
that uncommon on social media, maybe we'll give him a pass ...
Stupid close m...
Why I "Quit" Blogging
I started this blog because I couldn't find information about pregnancy in
women with CF. Since that time, so many of us have gotten pregnant, and
there is...
The Things I Cannot Talk About, Part One
Thing One stands about 5'9 and looms large on my horizon.
It has long legs, strong arms, a beautiful mind.
And It has wings.
Big wings.
To James Walker on your first birthday
Our sweet James Walker, What a year it has been. When you were born a year
ago, we never imagined all that would happen in your first year. But we did
Baby #3, 35 Week Appointment
I didn't realize I'd been leaving appointment notes on this blog and I
think it's a great idea for this pregnancy as well. I like comparisons.
Anyhow... I ...
A visit with a lot of questions
Today we went and visited Maddiegirl spot. We haven't been in a while. When
Jackson asks us where Maddie is we always tell him she is in heaven. He was
Every day is a new day. I don't know what each day holds but I know it
holds something, something I can learn from or maybe something that I
can't, but it ...
Iniciar sesión en gmail desde Google+
Gmail posee varios servicios que pone a nuestra disposición, uno de ellos
es Google+, y dentro de este apartado tamb...
Recent media: 20 Inspiring Women in Food
Last week I was honored to be named as one of 20 Inspiring women who are
changing the way we eat (I’m #7 when you are scrolling through). I feel
Crockpot Beef Stroganoff
* Note: It has been a while since I have uploaded recipes, but I am
realizing I really need to get back at it because I try new recipes and
then I lose th...
Early Bird Sale Kristen's Custom Creations
Early Bird Sale! Last big sale before Christmas!
Shop early for your meaningful gifts and enjoy 20% off my entire site!
Enter code: SHOPEARLY20 at check o...
Macbeth (2015)
Full Length of Macbeth in High Quality VideoNow you can see Macbeth in top
quality with duration 113 Min and was released on 2015-10-02 with MPAA
rating i...
Pity Party for One
So it’s been a while…and I will warn you, I’m in a mood. I’m laying on a
shitty hospital pullout with nothing to do but think.
I’m tired. I’m tired of...
Good News & Bad News
Good evening!! I am running on 2 hours of sleep in the last 24 hours, so I
hope this all makes sense :)
Yesterday morning, Dylan woke up limping on his fo...
Wow. It's May tomorrow. Needless to say I'm not finding a lot of time to
blog. How about a quick update instead? We survived all of the ice and snow
in Feb...
The Best Gift Ever
Nineteen years ago this spring I rolled into Atlanta, Georgia in my silver
Chevy Cavalier from small town Iowa. Every time I filled up the tank along
Run DMT has MOVED!
While it may seem like I’ve disappeared from the blogosphere, Run DMT
is still going strong! Your favorite Tampa Bay mom on the run is still
running, conco...
Bye, Bye For Now
Is anyone even out there anymore!?! This little public service announcement
is just to say "bye, bye for now." This is not a break up. I will be back
down ...
Come Visit Me at Everyday Made Fresh!
With all the food allergies that Kelsie has, she has inspired me to create
a new website with just recipes!! I am proud to present to you my new
place, co...
Summer 2014
Our summer was great this year! I had summer school for part of the summer
but had a good little break so that left plenty of time for us to play!
The b...
Bday fun!
Oh I love these moments![image: photo IMG_3125_zps44d1a114.jpg]
Lily with her dearest friends[image: photo IMG_3129_zpsead7965e.jpg]
awwwwww[image: photo...
Summer Update
Last week was a pretty busy one. Noah was signed up for a drawing class
(Mark Kistler) but due to how they ran the class, we ALL THREE had to stay
for the ...
Greer's First Birthday
We had a pretty low key party for Greer's first birthday. Daddy smoked a
pork butt, and we had baked beans, cole slaw, fruit, and cupcakes! In
interview with cnn & maddy’s first race.
here’s a little interview i did with cnn for father’s day. also, this past
weekend the liz logelin foundation held it’s annual 5k/10k/fun run in a
heavily ...
Celebrating a birthday and baptism…
On Memorial Day weekend we had so much to celebrate. My daughter’s 7th
birthday was on that Saturday followed by her baptism the next day. I
cannot believe...
Dan's birthday, 2014
Dan's been saying it for years, but this year it's official - he really is
almost 40.
How lucky are we that he is such a great, responsible and compassi...
Lucy & Ethel
On April 1, our first little chick hatched. Lucy was a day early and a
complete surprise. I picked Patsy up to check her eggs and there was the
Six Years
I'm reminded of it every day, knowing how radically different the past six
years could have been without the gift of Tricia's first donor. Should
your fam...
Spring Break 2014
Well as it goes every year, Sam always ends up having meetings the same
week as spring break, hence the reason we had a travel-around-the-world
dining stay...
On the night you were born...
So it has been awhile - actually I have written several times, but none
have ever seemed worthy of posting. I suppose I semi retired Michael's
blog. Weird...
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from New Hampshire!
May this Christmas bring you and your family
the love and warmth of the season.
Peace to you, one and all!!
"I will h...
Soulful Sundays
Today's sermon at church resonated with me. Our message was based on the
scripture, Titus 2:11-15.
11 God has shown us how kind he is by coming to save al...
How to Spend less Images From the Digital Camera
As early as you?ng obtained photos together with your digicam, you may want
to store all of them someplace. You may often abandon them around the sd
card, ...
Top Ten for 10 Years
Today is our 10 year wedding anniversary. For our present to each other, we
just took a family trip to Boston and the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
Final Fragments
[image: Unknown Mami]
Unless something changes in the near future, this will be my last Friday
Fragments post at this location!
I've set up a blog on Word...
Moving Day.
So I guess today is the day you learn my real name...as it is the title of
What?! *I KNOW*.
Starting fresh from blog scratch...but really l...
One Hand and a Thumb
Your favorite days are lazy with waves
If I could stop you from growing, I might.
Because a six year old boy and a half dozen toys
Still fits in my arms jus...
Food for Thought
Because I'm doing such a stand up job maintaining this internet domain, my
handsome man friend and I decided to launch a joint food blog! So this
weekend w...
Catching Up….
WOW! It has been a long time since I posted on this site and feel the need
to bring all up to speed on my life. After Shepherd Center my life
changed dram...
A Not So Ordinary Moment
I was sitting in the old blue chair that I inherited after my Grandpa
passed away. Maddie was drinking her bottle as I watched Noah and Alice
tease each ...
All I Want For Christmas ....
is to avoid hearing Justin Bieber sing any other holiday song other than
All I Want For Christmas with Mariah Carey. I'm really embarrassed, but I
love tha...
Pause and Give Thanks
In our busy world today we sometimes forget to pause and give thanks for
the little things. I give thanks every day but I am especially liking the
"30 Day...
Follow My Instagram Sale Page @boymomcloset
I've got a new instagram page just for selling some of my boy's clothes.
For all of you "Jack," "J", or "H" Moms, be sure to follow me for adorable
So, in an effort to jazz up the blog a little, I ended up deleting some of
my favorite sites and not being happy with the layout, etc. Frustrated was
an un...
Remember. And Celebrate.
One voice spoke out, alerting us all that something had happened. A hush
fell over the floor as we tried to grasp the chain of events that brought
the worl...
Switching Over
Hey all,
Just an FYI, if you want the latest in my adventures check out my new (old)
blog... Subway Knits. If you remember, I've taken up knitting and it w...
Sorority Rush-Southern Style-and Why I like It!
See below for link
Well, I am busy writing recommendations letters for Kappa Kappa Gamma for
my DD's friends. One of the letters went to the University ...
Our Western Trip up to Texas
So, this is a story of what’s happening right now. Being out in Texas, for
us, is sort of like culture shock. The reason why I say that is because we
come ...
Six Word Saturday…
Click the button below to head over to Cate’s blog and see what others have
to say on 6WS!
[image: 6wsButton]
*“ Love: ‘til death do us part…”*
For a friend
Note: I did not write this. A friend posted this from something she'd read,
and I am re-posting this for another friend to read.
I don't have the original ...
Most of the time, nighttime is my favorite part of the day.
There's something about knowing I've made it through. I've made it through
split lips (THREE t...
Weekly menu
Oh, hi! Thanks for stopping by! I'm sure you were hoping for something more
than my menu for the week, but posting stuff like this on the Internet
keeps me...
a few random pics from my Instagram feed
Hi stranger... long time no see! Where is Petunia lately? Well, I'm
around and my favorite place lately is In...
There is a lot of Lent discussions going on right now and I normally do not
feel drawn to participate by giving up something for the duration of the
Susan Niebur passed away on February 6, 2012 after a lifetime of love,
crusades, and strength. Over the last five years she lived with
inflammatory breast...
What if??
It's only been over a year.. what if... I just picked this thing back up. I
mean it's not that my life got any less nuts.. I just got more quiet about
it. ...
Happy 2012...and I've Moved
Hi there. I hope 2012 is treating everybody well. After an unplanned hiatus
due to...well...life, I've started blogging again. I'm not sure if there is
New Year
My New Year resolution was going to be to take a picture of the girls
everyday this year. My thoughtful husband thought we should take a family
picture eve...
new blog!
Hi, everyone! So, I finally did it. I made myself a blog with Blogger (I
like it so much more than Weebly!)! I call it 'Forgiven Mess'...I saw
someone w...
Christmas Giving
Hi Everyone!
I hope everyone is doing good in this month of December!! This is one of my
favorite months! For one, today is my Birthday!! I always felt lik...
A Whole New Site!
It's a whole new world for me! Consider this your official, gilt-edged
invitation to accompany me to my new website: stacycordery.com. I am very
excited ab...
It's Berry Good
My daughter and I just LOVE the Wild berry tea at Wendy's. If you haven't
tried it...do so. The berry flavor is so good and very, very tasty.
Unsweetened o...
Knee Deep ~
~ Knee Deep in the Atlantic Ocean
I'm still Hopping along ~
First and foremost ~ I'd like to thank every bunny that has emailed me to
see if I was...
Here are some pictures of the past month. We love our sweet little girl so
much, watching her grow and change each day!! The first few pictures are
her new...
Eight. 8. Ocho. Anyway you say it, I don't like it. Eight definitely
removes any chances of being called a baby. Eight means going into third
grade. E...
Once upon a time, not so long ago, I had a blog.
Technically, I still have one.
Don't be frightened away by my lack of recent posts.
Yes, I have TEMPORARI...
Twins: Eliza and Hadley
My cousin and his wife recently welcomed their third and fourth children:
twin girls! I can't imagine life with four kids, much less twins. Whew!
I sent th...
I Gave Up Blogging for Lent...
Not really, but it would've been a good excuse, huh?
I DID give up soda though & I am not a coffee drinker so I'm going to have
to admit that the iced tea ...
A Quick Recap
Our Sweet Boy...
Turned one. Got his first haircut. Came down with his first cold that lead
to an ear infection and respiratory infection. Diagnosed with an...
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes
After the Semi-Homemade Red Velvet Cupcakes were such a success, my
"family" decided this time around to make Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Cupcakes based of...
Falling tree
Today my friend, Nicole, and I gathered a big pile of wood and my
friend's mom's friend came in a truck and we filled up the back of
the truck all th...
Good News for Florida State Parks
Governor Rick Scott says no to closing many Florida State Parks, proposing
to cut spending by water management districts instead.
I am so glad that my fam...
Honesty Stinks
Maddie and I have played a game ever since she was itty bitty. The "I Love
You More" game. We didn't invent it and I'm sure we're not the only
A family of fisherman
Earlier this year, Bill was lost. I had found a passion with food writing
that turned into a career - something that took up my free time outside of
the fa...
The Big Move!!!
Hey everyone!
I just wanted to let you know that this blog has now moved!!! Menus That
Save has moved to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette website. Here is the l...
I'm checking out at Publix (that's a grocery store here)
and the girl bagging my groceries says to the cashier
"I'm just back from break. I ate 3 doughnuts a...
www.newdressaday.com is ready to be unveiled!!
Hi friends!! Just wanted to get out into the blogosphere that I’m moving
this little operation (sewing machine is coming with…fear not!!) to my own
Five for Friday on Saturday
One of my favorite blog/twitter friends, One Fabulous Mom, tagged me on her Five
for Friday post. She shared five things that she is loving right now. Here ...
Holy CRAP That Was Fun
So 3 days later, I think the vodka is finally out of my bloodstream from
BlogHer '10.
I learned many, many things... but if I could share just...
Grandma Kay and Grandpa John visit
And of course, Grandma Kay and Grandpa John had to make a trip up from
Georgia to see our little Kennedy. We enjoyed nearly a week with them
before they ha...
Rites of Summer...
We have many rites of Summer, such as making a trip to the water park,
attending a fireworks show, making s'mores, attending a baseball game,
going to a c...
...a day of silence for cohen..
I know that I haven't blogged in a long time but I thought that this was
too important not to post. Please continue to pray for Cohen and the entire
How Time Flies!!!
I cannot believe I haven't posted a single thing since last October! WOW,
time sure has been zipping by. Home schooling has taken a huge priority in
our li...
Madison was born at 38 weeks and we thought she was perfect just like our
other 4 children, little did we know what God had in store for us. Madison
was b...
Simply Beautiful
It is that time of year again, we have been working hard in the garden and
as a reward our wing friends have been stopping by daily to dine and we...
Jill's Service...
was awesome. They even released butterflies at the end and Jill's daughter
was the first to release one. Very cool. The same man who married them did
I don't even know what to call this post, so it will have to remain
Yes, it's been a long time! If rumors in the blogging world are as potent
Hello! First of all, let me thank you for your support through the past few
years! Thanks to you, we decided it was time to move our business to a .com
to ...
I'm Back . . . Maybe
I know. I know. I abandoned the blog. I admit it - I got bored. I'll own it
- facebook sucked me in and I was hooked. It is much easier to type a fb
EC Loves Santa
EC did really well when we had Breakfast With Santa for the Imagination
Library. When Santa came tino the room, he was really excited! When Kyle
put him ...
lagniappes for Mia
Daryl and I went on a long weekend getaway to New Orleans. Spending some
time in a fabulous city with my darling husband was beyond perfection, and
so much...
We've moved!
Yep, it's official now. Not Quite What I Had Planned has jumped ship and gone
I hope you'll mosey on over and join me.
PS. And if you've been kind e...
I don't wanna jinx it but...
It sure does feel like fall today!
I love fall. The smells, the leaves, the air, the football, the new school
(or in my case office) supplies. It finally...
summer luv
i'm a summer baby.....i live for summer. i had convinced myself, living in
indiana for 6 years, that the weather was the same there. ha. apparently
that wa...
Muchas Pulgas, part deux
"Summertiiiiiiime, and the livin' ain't easaaaaay,
fleas are jumpin', and the weeds are hiiiiiigh
Oh, you're dad's not rich, but your Mom is good loookin...
[image: Smooth Away Hair Remover-AS SEEN ON TV]This product is truly
amazing. My husband is blessed with a back with several patches of
hair(yes, we are ge...
Happy Mother's Day
Before I was a Mom,
I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about imm...
Big Girl Glasses
Emma got some big girl glasses today. She knew exactly what she wanted and
we must have run to 8 different Eyeglass Stores. Finally, she found
them....an ...
So it has been a couple of weeks since I've blogged due to all of the
activity at work and home.
At work, the current executive staff has all been let go ...
I am a SAHM living in Sunny, Florida with my wonderful husband and two beautiful daughters. The four of us are lucky to be surrounded by our extended family and friends.
In 2009, I decided to start my own business and become an Independent Consultant for Tastefully Simple.