Well, we just saw the Nurse Practitioner for the Cardiology Group and she is scheduling a Cardiac Cat-Scan for my husband. The test is suppose to let them know if he has any blockages. If all goes well, then hopefully he will be out of here around 5 or 6 pm.
His EKG results came back showing that his heart is doing well and the blood tests are also indicating that he has not / is not having a heart attack. This is great news.
Not sure if he will still have to take a Cardiac Stress test at this time, but if that does happen, then he will be admitted and that procedure will take about 2-days.
As of right now, the official status is that he is being monitored for 24 hours and has not been admitted.
And just between all of us in Blogworld...he is none too happy that he is still being "kept" at the hospital!
Thank you all so much for the comments and prayers. They really mean alot...