The thanks goes to Mad About Plaid Girl who tagged me. Now I am suppose to write five random things about myself...Only five? Too many random things to choose from! Not sure if I can take the pressure this late at night. Let me take another sip of my yummy Greek tea and collect my random thoughts...
(1) I hate tomatoes. Hate the taste and texture, but love the smell of fresh grown tomatoes on the vine. How weird is that?!?! But when I was pregnant with my daughters, I ate tomatoes like crazy. After the hormones settled down again, back to hating them.
(2) Have to glance in and around the toilet before I use it...even at home. I am afraid that a snake will be there, ready to strike me on my lily-white bottom...or a deadly spider under the seat that will kill me in days because of it deadly toxin! Those Urban Legends have really got me messed up!
(3) One of my favorite toys when I was a preschooler was a rubber alligator that squeaked. Because of that, I decided to become a Florida Gator! When I was in high school, I would have Florida Gator Week and wear nothing but Orange & Blue outfits. Loved the Gators so much that I told my high school boyfriend that I would break up with him if he didn't accept the football scholarship to UF. He went, played, and graduated...and I had a blast hanging out with the team. (And get your minds out of the gutter...I was and still am a "good" girl)
(4) Driving relaxes me. From the day I earned my license, I have taken drives to calm down and / or de-stress. I usually volunteer to drive whenever I go out with friends or family...and even make my husband ride shotgun. That drives him nuts! Cannot take random drives anymore because of the horrible cost of gas right I have to think of another way to relax myself.
(5) I cannot take a shower without cleaning it. I am usually scrubbing down the walls while I shampoo and condition my hair. Then I spray down the glass enclosure before I step out. It just seems so much easier to clean it while I am cleaning myself.
O.K. Did I pick some good "random" things about me? Do you think I am a complete nut job? it is my turn to tag some other bloggers that I "stalk" on a regular basis.
My Favorite Oppolds
My Favorite Gozdieskis
The Adventures of Maverick & The Mrs
The Preppy Lizard
And I am also going to tag my dear friend, Susan, who lives in Scotland. She doesn't blog (yet), but she reads my blog all the time. We have been friends for so many years that I've lost count. Love you! This should give you something fun to do at work! Hug Russ & Cara for me.
Have fun ladies!
Irish Bread Pudding
Here’s an easy recipe for a delicious and decadent Irish Bread Pudding
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