without waking up the sleeping angels? Well, if you were in my bedroom about 5 minutes ago, you would have seen this amazing feat! My heart is still racing from the experience.
So, I am sitting in my big snugglie bed, minding my own business, reading my fave blogs while listening to HGTV and the sleeping sounds of my two snoozing sickly angels. Out of the corner of my eye, I see something run across my bed, making a bee-line towards my feet. Eeek! It is a horrible, nasty spider! Quick back flip and then I am off the bed and ready to do battle with the eight-legged freak! (Think bad martial arts stunts) The first thing I can grab is my phone and I am racing around the bed, trying to kill the deadly beast before it harms one of my babies! Well, several minutes later, the awful creature is nothing more than a greasy spot on my freshly made bed (see last post in regards to why my bed is freshly made), I am about ready to faint from the realization that I just took on one of my worst fears, and my sleeping beauties have not even stirred! Quite an accomplishment, if I don't say so myself.
As I try to get settled into bed again with a nice glass of cold milk and a piece of cake to get my energy levels back up...a towel covering the dreaded spot until the snoozing sweeties wake back up...the 4 month old wakes up and wants to nurse!
No rest for the weary...
Irish Bread Pudding
Here’s an easy recipe for a delicious and decadent Irish Bread Pudding
served with Caramel Whiskey Sauce. This is a…
The post Irish Bread Pudding appeare...
8 hours ago