Hey Y'all...
Had my 37 Week doctor's appointment today and as usual, all is well. I am officially at 37 weeks and 3 days for anyone that is doing the Baby Chili Pepper Count Down. And in case you all were wondering, I had Kyla at 38 weeks and 1 day. So, I could have Baby Chili Pepper by next week, but I seriously doubt it.
It is true what they say about the last weeks of pregnancy...you are uncomfortable and gain huge amounts of weight! Almost passed out when I stepped on the scale. The Physician's Assistant had to calm me down and reassure me that I did not gain too much weight...that I wasn't fat...and that after my beautiful baby girl is born, I shouldn't have any trouble losing the weight, especially if I plan on nursing her. So, after all of that, I did calm down. Good thing she took my blood pressure before I got on the scale!
Talked with the doctor about my congestion, sinus, and sore throat troubles that I have been having for a couple of weeks now. He listened to my lungs and thankfully those are clear. He seems to think that whatever I have is viral and should go away soon. His advice is to keep up with the Tylenol Cold & Sinus, as well as the saline solution up the nose, and the cough drops. And as a warning to anyone who happens to see me...the watery eyes, red nose, and hoarse voice is not the results of an all night drinking binge!!!
He also measured my huge baby bump and said that she was still measuring on schedule and felt like she was already in the head down position. I go back next week and they plan on checking to see if I am having any of the usual symptoms of labor starting.
We also talked about the HypnoBirth Classes that Brad & I have been taking. He voiced interest in learning more about it, as well as watching how our birthing experience goes. It has been noted in my medical records that I do not want any drugs or other forms of pain relief during my labor. And that all who enter my room need to talk in a calm voice, using only positive wording. Let's see if everyone abides by that! If not, then my personal bouncer will have them leave the room.
We were suppose to have the third of our four HypnoBirth classes tonight. Unfortunately, our instructor called to say that she was sick and didn't want to come over and "infect" us. Tonight's class has been tentatively rescheduled for tomorrow evening. This will give Brad & I more time to practice all of the relaxation techniques that we have already learned in the first two classes. And if anyone is interested in learning more about HypnoBirth, you can check out their website...
I know that there are alot of people that think I am insane for wanting to try to have a natural "drug free" labor and delivery...but I know that it is possible.
Well, I will chat will you all later. Hope you all are doing well. I will be sending another update next Monday.
Love to you all,
Kara & Miss Chili Pepper
P.S. Would have posted a picture of Chili Pepper & I, but we were too wide for the camera!
Mini Chocolate Chips Muffins
These easy to make Mini Chocolate Chips Muffins are soft and fluffy muffins
filled with plenty of gooey chocolate chips.…
The post Mini Chocolate Chips M...
4 hours ago
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