Friday, May 9, 2008

That "Thing" That Went Thump In The Night...

I was fast asleep the other night, dreaming about the future when I will actually get 6 uninterrupted hours of sleep. A slight bumping, thumping type sound in the bedroom woke me up. Brad was out of town and I figured that Bry was restless in her pack n'play beside the bed...but she was still sound asleep.

The bedroom door was I went back to sleep...probably just one of the cats playing with a catnip toy.

This is what I woke up the next morning. What a sight!

I have long suspected that she is walking in her sleep. Guess this proves it.

So last night, I stayed up most of the night making sure that she stayed in her bed. What a sweet, sleeping angel...


Kristi said...

I bet the next bump in the night will bring you running. How scary.

Joanna said...

What a sight to wake up to! Sleep walking children can be a scary thing.

Kate said...

The first and last photos are so sweet!!

I slept walked (is that right?) once when I was little and it scared my dad so much. Apparently I told him I was going to ride a pony!