cause my 5 year old is heart-broken. She wasn't invited to a birthday party for a little boy in her class that she has a crush on. He has invited what seems like everyone else in the class...but her and she is devastated. What makes matters worse is that her cousin is going to the party and keeps talking about it. Everyone is the class keeps talking about how much fun this party is going to be...
How do you explain something like this to a kindergartner? I keep trying to distract her with a fun and exciting day that I have planned for tomorrow...but it doesn't seem to be working. Right now she is cuddling in bed with daddy...sobbing her eyes out...while I am cleaning, crying, and blogging my frustration.
Poor baby. :( It is so hard when people hurt your babies.
Oh I have been there and I think I cried more than my daughter did. Now with my third child I just say..great, one less gift,one less drop-off and pick-up. I have been on the side of my child being left out and on the side of being having a parent confront me about her child not being invited. I try to be inclusive. I am not sure what the answer is but my kids have survived. More importantly, the lesson is ..Do not talk about a party you are going to in front of other people!
This goes for the parents too and may be adding to the problem.
Oh gosh. This is one of the hardest things about raising children...helping them to survive school. It is just the hardest lesson about life - being "left out" when you can't understand why. Thank goodness it is almost time for Christmas vacation! And how to explain it to a kindergartner? I don't know, but I did always tell my children that for every horrible hurt there is something wonderful that will keep the 'balance of life'... That helps a little. Remember that kids are resilient - more than we are. Thinking about your baby this weekend.
That really is harsh. I'm so sorry she is hurting.
Oh, no! Now my heart is breaking, too!! Give her a hug for me! Gosh, I don't know what to say except that I am not looking forward to these days at all. I do have to ask - since I'll be reaching this great age soon enough - what do you do for birthday parties? Do you always invite the whole class or just a few best friends? Parties can get expensive.
I went through this with Annie 8 years ago and all I could do (that felt right to do) was cry with her and hold her and tell her how beautiful, fun and amazing she.
Thinking of you....
Mean people suck! Really...what happened to inviting the entire class? With student-teacher ratios, it can't be that high...and with the law of averages, not everyone attends.
Oh, I hate when our babies cry and we can't make it better. Personally, I would take her out to lunch, then a movie, then buy her a little toy to help ease the pain.
It is always so sad to me that this seems to be a lesson learned at younger and younger ages.
Shame on the parents that teach their children how to be exclusive. I've never understood why it's so difficult to invite the whole class when you've decided to invite only 90%.
Don't even get me started on handing out Valentine's in school. My Mom always had me take extra "anonymous" valentines to put in the mailboxes of the kids who weren't cool enough to receive very many.
It's sad that kindness is no longer "cool"...
oh man, poor little thing!!! that just sucks!!
I am so sorry! That's so hard for a little one. And it's so hard for us to watch them be upset. I hope she has super fun day with you tomorrow. Hugs to both of you! :)
Oh no he didn't. Or rather, Oh no his mamma didn't. I say you wait out in the parking lot one day and jump her. Let me know if you need some help. j/k. not really. ;-)
Aww, poor baby. I want to say talk to the mom, but I'm not sure of the whole situation. Especially at this age, this is not cool.
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