Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hannah Needs Your Support And Prayers

On April 15th, this beautiful 10 year old girl was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Stage IIA (Breast Cancer). Not sure about the rest of you, but just reading that took my breath away. Never before have I heard of someone so young being diagnosed...and I cannot stop thinking about this precious little girl.

Breast Cancer first touched my life when shortly before I became engaged to my husband, his mother's breast cancer came back after several years of remission. My mother-in-law fought this disease with every ounce of her being and she left her mark on every life that she touched. Because of her, I started doing monthly self-exams.

Shortly after she died, a dear friend of my husband was diagnosed with Breast Cancer when she was in her 20s. With her diagnosis, I demanded that my doctor send me for a mammogram.

Now after hearing about Hannah, I am wondering if I also need to start worrying about my girls...

When you have a moment, please stop by an leave some encouragement for Hannah and her family.

I also want to thank Jacki for bringing this story to my attention. You continue to be an inspiration to me.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm Back From My Spring Break Blogging Break

and a bit upset about something. Normally I try to keep politics off of this blog because I feel that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions, but I cannot believe that Miss California is being bashed because she answered a controversial questions honestly

while there is practically no mention our President shaking hands with a known dictator and professed enemy of our country.

Am I the only one that is upset by this?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Short Blogging Break - Spring Break 2009

We are headed to the beach for a few days...

See you later Alligator!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Am My Husband's Hero.

I just "saved" him from a black racer snake that were on our back patio.

Picture this is your with a full oven mitt and extra long cooking tongs...chasing a snake around the patio. Not a pretty sight...but I was successful. The snake is gone.

I could have sworn that we lived in the suburbs, not the backwoods. In less than a months time, we have had visits from a freaky frog, a rambunctious raccoon, and now a sneaky snake. I am almost afraid to ask what stopping by next!