and she is in wonderful spirits. The surgery went well and the broken vertebrae was successfully removed. Malignancy was found, but to the best of their knowledge, it has not metastasised. That is fabulous news! She is suppose to receive a visit from an Oncologist today to discuss how to proceed with treatment.
Besides that visit, her big plans are to get out of bed and try to walk. Walking helps with the healing process as well as makes her release from the hospital a faster reality. Her hope is to be allowed to go home tomorrow or Saturday.
She wants me to thank each and everyone one of you for all of your wonderful prayers and warm wishes. It really does make her feel so much stronger to know that so many people are lifting her up with their healing prayers.
Thank you all again from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to help my family. Now I am going to sign off from my computer for a little bit to spend some quality time with my loved ones. I will be back soon...
Mini Chocolate Chips Muffins
These easy to make Mini Chocolate Chips Muffins are soft and fluffy muffins
filled with plenty of gooey chocolate chips.…
The post Mini Chocolate Chips M...
4 hours ago
Take All the time you need. I'll continue to pray for her!!!
I'm glad she's doing well, but will continue praying for a quick recovery from the surgery and about her cancer.
Way behind on my blog reading. So sorry to hear about your Aunt. Please keep us posted.
I'm so happy for the good report!!!
:] (hoping that little face is the one for big giant smile)
Glad to get the update!
great news..hope she got to come home
and yes..walking around sure helps us heal
My thoughts and prayers are with you, your Aunt and your family. No metastisis IS good news. I'm here if you need me!
Wonderful news! I'll continue to think about her for a full recovery.
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