[This is a picture of her braiding Kyla's hair shortly after Bryleigh was born]
For the past 7+ months, she has been having some problems with her back. She has gone to alot of Doctors appointments without no real success.
This past Sunday, she could not get up and was in a great amount of pain. After an hour of not being able to move, my Uncle called EMS. They took her to the local Emergency Room where she was examined and finally admitted to the hospital for further tests.
Yesterday, several rounds of tests were performed, including a CT Scan. It was determined that she (in my Aunt's words) "broke her back", but there is concern that cancer may also be part of the problem. A 45 minute MRI was scheduled, but she is claustrophobic and could not handle it. From what my Uncle says, it has been rescheduled, probably for today, and she will be sedated during the process.
Back Surgery has also been scheduled for tomorrow at noon. Hopefully the broken bone(s) situation will be corrected and the search for Cancer will be negative.
I have been told that she is in good spirits, has good color and is thinking positively, but still has breakthrough pain between her medications.
Please pray for her safe and speedy recovery as well as relief from the pain. She recently retired from her job with plans of relaxing at home, enjoying her grandchildren, and taking care of her mother (my grandma) who just moved in.
I will try to post an update as soon as I get one.
Thanks in advance for all of your time.
The power of prayer is an awesome thing!
(Just wanted to give out a quick update...as of right now, we are still waiting for news. I will post as soon as I hear something. Please continue to pray. When I told my Aunt about all the wonderful comments and prayer around the world for her...she started to cry. Thank you all so much!)
Will send warms thoughts for her and a quick recovery.
Also wanted to let you know I am hosting my first giveaway for a Super Hero Cape. Come on by and check it out.
thank you for the opportunity to pray for healing, strength, and peace. your aunt will be in my prayers.
i hate to spoil such a solemn post with this but im dying to ask - found you on the blog train - and between your title and your profile, do you enjoy a lot of older movies? im an old movie fanatic and im totally up for chatting on recommendations! my fave is breakfast at tiffanys and most audrey hepburn actually... agmcgaha : at : gmail :)
In my prayers...
Said a prayer just now for her!
I'm so sorry to hear about your Aunt Mary Ann. I'll pray for her and hope that she has a speedy recovery!!
Bunny Hugs ~
Oh, this is so hard. You and your aunt will be in our prayers.
I will praying!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your aunt will be in my prayers!
My thoughts and prayers are with your aunt.
That's so scary! I'll be praying for her.
Please let me know what happens with your aunt! This is very similar to something that happened with my dad.
I'll say a prayer for healing and peace, and NO pain!
G'day from Australia,
What a brilliant blog name.
Your aunt is in our thoughts and prayers.
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